Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Well Here I go into the wide world of the...

...Blogosphere. I have been asked by several people for a long time if I would ever do this. I make no guarantees that I will consistently post. I am, however, beginning to see the value in it. Hopefully you will find a view that is not always predictable but valuable. My hope is to encourage people to love Christ.

I might post on my personal devotions and the insights that come from them. I might post on something about leadership in the church. I might talk about my family and what I learn. You never know what I am going to say - but if you go to Fellowship Church you already know that.

What might suprise you on this site is that you will also read some theology and politics. There are many topics that I do not believe are the best use of the hour I get each Sunday to preach the good news, yet many of those topics are important to me and I often think deeply concerning them. This is an approprate place for such activity of the mind. My first real post will be political. As will probably several posts between now and Election Day. It is something I care about deeply and have worked to stay informed on.

You might learn something about me you never knew about me here. You might also read this blog and think I knew there was something wrong with Kirk before he wrote that. Well that is okay, too. I hope you enjoy it and I hope it blesses you.

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