Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Serving up the Best Servant

"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.” Matthew 6:24

The truth that we can not serve both God and money goes against almost everything we see and hear in our world today. If one listens to the debate over our current presidential election, one would think that money is the only issue in our nation. You might hear about war, but honestly one side of the debate always turns that discussion back to money again.

Followers of Christ must see more than money in this world. The Christ-follower must arrive to vote on Tuesday, November 4th with a decision that has been prayed over and considered over all of the issues. Money is not the most important thing in this election or any election.

The truth of what the Bible has to say about that type of thinking is this, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” (1 Timothy 6:10a) This truth is so evident in the economic discussion of today. The problem that our nation faces is that the answer to remedying this problem will not be found in the economic policy of our next president.

There are some key thoughts about finances you should consider, though.

1. What is the root economic principle behind the policies presented?
a. Trickle-down economics will give breaks tax wise to the wealthy, although they will still pay the vast majority of the taxes simply based on income. The theory is that people will always desire to make more money and when you free up the money-makers’ money to make more money they will hire those who do not have the money to work for them. The sole reason for that employment is their profit. The simple truth is that it has been the overall economic principle of our nation throughout its history.
b. “Grass roots” economics is the theory that if you give money to those who do not have the money that they will spend it and that it will feed the economy. The goal of this theory is to create economic equality in society through taxing those who make the most and giving it to those who make the least.

2. Is that economic policy based on American principles?
I would like to make this part more spiritual, but that would require me to stretch the Scripture. Truth be told, this is an issue that you must decide for yourself. So here is the issue. Do you believe the American Way is to give people an unearned and undeserved check every year at the cost of another citizen so that we can have equality economically? Or do you think it is the American Way for each person to do their best with what they have to work with and make as much as they can understanding that there will be many who do this in a greedy and selfish manner?

3. In a society that believes in the freedoms of religion, speech, property ownership, and a free market economy, is it right for the government to force financial equality?
I believe this to be a conflict of constitutional principles. The real issue is that we have a society that is greedy. Greed causes great need. The answer of one party is to hope that there is enough good in the American people that they will make wise investments that will benefit others through employment. The other party believes that people will not do what is good and wise and the government should dictate that sharing of resources through taking what has been earned by one and giving it to someone else who has not earned it. What do you think?

4. Is the government’s spending any different than yours?
In government it is called deficit spending. In our lives it is called debt. As our nation yells at our government about its spending practices the people of our nation are mounting debt they can not pay at the fastest rate in the history of the world. The real issue is our overall unhealthy love for money. We must learn how to be wise with what we have individually before we will learn to be wise with what we have nationally.

Who will you serve with your vote? If are not considered in the wealthy and you vote just to get a tax credit; you will be serving money. If you are considered wealthy and you vote just to get a tax break, you will be serving money. If you pray and earnestly consider all of the issues, you can serve the Lord with your vote.

The best way to serve up the best servant for our nation is to be one. Who will you serve?

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