Friday, January 11, 2013

Three Next Issues - Issue 3

The Gap of the Future

This one is harder to see even in the story because it was not yet a part of the story. God told Ananias he would show Saul how much he would have to suffer for his name. And Saul, who became Paul, most certainly suffered for the glory and Gospel of Jesus. Interestingly enough, God did not tell Saul that information on that day. Saul learned that as he went along. God did not tell Saul, I am going to make you the greatest missionary of all time and I am going to inspire my Word for others to learn about me through you or you are going to share the Gospel with the Gentiles. He simply told him, go to Damascus and wait.

You cannot be faithful with what is past.
You cannot be faithful with what is next.
You can only be faithful with what is NOW.

You do not know what is next...not really.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21

Here is the tough truth about your plans. They are unknown and unnecessary.
They are unknown to you because you have no idea what is next anyway.
They are unnecessary to God because he does not need your plans to fulfill His purpose.

So quit living consumed with the plans you are making and live consumed with the purposes of The Lord...Now!

Because Next is Now! The most important step in your live is the next one.