Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What makes a gift great?

What is the greatest gift you’ve ever received? Don’t go Sunday School on me and say, “Jesus.” I realize he is the greatest gift but let’s be real about gifts we receive on earth for a moment. I would love to hear from you on this. Email me or facebook it. What is the best gift?
Then answer this question, “why?” Why that gift? What made it great?

Some gifts are great because of who gave them to you. Other gifts are great because of their actual value. Other gifts are great because of when you got them. Gifts can be great because of the personal meaning behind them. You can love a gift because the person that gave it to you put so much thought into it and knew exactly what you wanted with out asking. Maybe you love a certain gift because of the impact it has had on your life.

Gifts can be great for many reasons. There are only a couple of common threads among great gifts. The first is that you accepted it. A gift not received is not a great gift, it is just a great thought. The second thing is that someone gave it to you. Gifts are never purchased nor borrowed. They are given.

God has given you some gifts. Have you accepted them? They are great gifts if you will stop and see the value of them. If you will allow yourself the time to stop and reflect and consider what it means that God has uniquely gifted you for his purposes, it will make a difference in how you view that gift.

The first gift that we receive from God is faith itself. Then there are many others that follow. One that all Christ-followers have in common is spiritual gifts. We also all have our natural gifts or talents. The problem with these gifts is that many people never accept the gift. They never unwrap and put to use what God has given them and in so doing they miss out on so much of what life as a follower of Christ is about.

Do you understand the value that God has given you in being a part of His Body, the Church? There is great value in what God has gifted you to do. The issue is will you accept those as gifts and then give them away for the benefit of others. Will you allow yourself to become the gift that God uses to bless someone else?

Do you see those gifts as valuable? God did.

P.S. My greatest gift is difficult. My dirt bike when I was a kid. A mountain bike from my wife. My uncle’s entire theological library when he died. They are all great but for different reasons. But honestly the greatest gift anyone ever gave me was when my wife gave me her True Love Waits Ring on our wedding day. The ring symbolized a promise kept as a new promise began. It is a gift that is unique and priceless.

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