Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Way of the Manger

Since I became a father, Christmastime always causes me to consider fatherhood as I think about the actions of God the Father. Those thoughts are mixed this year with some encouraging words I heard recently. I received a great compliment from several people recently. The compliment was that they saw me as a great dad. They had observed my love for my children and how I act towards them in such a way they felt led to tell me about it.

That compliment humbles me. I do truly love being a dad. It is pure joy for me. Honestly there are certain things that are no fun. Changing diapers always stinks – practically, figuratively, and financially. But in the midst of all the things you have to do, it is the things that I get to do as a parent that make it fun. Just today as my 3 kids sat and ate breakfast with me I sat there and thought about how beautiful they are and how much they bless my life. (It helps that all 3 were eating what I cooked without complaining.)

This has caused me to think about God the Father at Christmas. I am excited about Christmas. I get to bless my kids and others with gifts. It is always fun for me. What about Christmas for God? Was it fun for him? God the Father sent his one and only son from that place which is perfect to where everything is imperfect. He sent his son from the Holy, orderly, and peaceful world of Heaven to the unholy, chaotic, and fractured world of Earth. He sent his son to this world knowing that he would suffer all the pain and hurt it causes. He knew that Jesus would not become like the world ye he knew all about the world he would live in. God the Father also knew that the sole purpose of his birth was the same purpose of his death, yet he sent him anyway.

God sent his son into this world, not because he did not love him, but because he loved him enough to send him into the world to fulfill his purpose – to be the Savior of the World. He sent Jesus into a world that was not like him and would not like him so that we might become like him. We have now been lavished with God’s love so much that we have been given the title Children of God. (John 3)

As parents and people we must make many tough choices in this world. Choices we make are often about living in the protected environment of “Christiandom” or venturing out into the world at large. I hope during this Christmas season you will stop and consider the loving act of the Father in sending his son into harm’s way. As parents we must make choices about when and how our children will live in the world around them. I have learned from Daniel that he wants to be in the world and not of it. He desires (even as a 6 year old) for the world to see how much he loves God. If I do not allow the risk of the hurt the world could cause, I will prevent him from fulfilling God’s purpose for his life. I need great wisdom as a father.

I believe we learn this by doing ourselves. We, too, have been sent into a world that is not like us and does not like us. The truth is that God with us is still with us because he lives in us. This Christmas will you take that gift where it is needed? Will you take Jesus to the people who need him?

There is risk in this mission, but is that not truly the Way of the Manger?

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