Monday, October 28, 2013

The Motivation of Multiplication

In Genesis 1 God gave Adam specific instructions about life in the Garden of Eden.  I think it can be summed in these three concepts:  Multiplication  (more people), Dominion (more responsibility), and Cultivation (more production).

These three layers of work fill our lives.  We become very busy, but also very blessed in these works.  Multiplication is the work at the family level.  Children are always a blessing from the Lord, but they are also much work.  Stewardship and ownership of things in this world is a blessing but it is also much work.  Productivity and contribution into bettering the world is a blessing but it is also much work.

Where do we get the motivation to see all our work at all levels as blessing and not burdenThe Motivation of Multiplication

Multiplication is what causes the motivation to do the work of dominion and cultivation

The physical reality of this is seen in family life.  As I write this, I am more deeply motivated to pray for and encourage those who struggle with infertility.  We all know someone who has struggled for years with the real and personal pain of not being able to multiply.  The desire for “more people” is natural.

The truth is multiplication causes motivation.  I believe most men start maturing and “growing up” when they have kids.  Life changes, instantly.  They see work and responsibility and marriage and home differently than they ever have before.  Why?  They are motivated by the lives they have responsibilities of dominion and cultivation towards.

The same is true spiritually.  Doing the work of church will lose all motivation if it is not the work of Christ.  Having responsibilities of dominion (stewardship) and cultivation (production) while not being a part of “new birth” is draining and exhausting.  Why?  The purpose is lost.

Seeing a person confess Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord will never grow dull.  It motivates me to do more work. I am more committed to be more responsible and more productive in my work when I watch one life step out of darkness into the marvelous light.

Are you doing the work of multiplication?  Are you being a part of the celebration of multiplication with your Church?  If not, then you are facing a loss of motivation that no one else can change.  Changing ministries, changing churches, changing groups, etc.  will not solve this spiritual problem.  Only obedience in multiplication will.

Who needs to hear the hope, grace, and life found in Jesus Christ from you this week?  Pray that God would send workers into the harvest fields…and then say (as Isaiah did, “here I am, Lord, send me.”

A side thought:

Many churches have gone to special times of celebration for baptism.  I know at our church with 3 services and 2 campuses, this is the only way we can all pull together to celebrate multiplication together.   So that is the positive side.  The negative side, is that many church members do not participate in these celebrations.  Honestly, you will love motivation if you consistently miss that celebration.

Last night we had an amazing FC United service.  Everyone there left motivated to be about the work of the Gospel.  I realize some miss such times because of other commitments, but many miss because they did not see the value in it.  This is the value.  Celebration of confession (multiplication) causes motivation.

If you want to find value in teaching in the Depot or greeting at the door or serving the homeless in a ministry, then you need to be with your church family for the celebrations of salvations.  You need it deep in your soul.

FC is not the only church doing these “special services.”  It is a growing trend.  As leaders, we need to make sure we are not missing something our people need, but also church members, make sure you are not missing something you need.  It is not simply an event at church…it is THE event that helps us all remember why we do what we do.