Parents just don’t understand!
These are the lyrics of a popular song from my teen
years. So many young people feel this
way. Parents often feel this way. They think they understand. I mean after all they have been there before,
but it has been a long time and times have changed.
Today I want to give you a little encouragement and
challenging on Biblical parenting from Ephesians 6:1-4
The call of parenting
is to bring up.
You are not raising a child.
You have a child. You are raising
an adult.
We must bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Instruction is the
principles from our lips.
Training is the practices of our lives.
Training is the practices of our lives.
There is nothing more exasperating for a child than to have
parents that the principles of their lips do match the practices of their
lives. If you profess to follow Christ
but do not practice the commandments of Christ, it confuses, discourages, and
exasperates your children.
So, there is a great question I want you to ponder.
If your children obey
every word you say this week, what will they do that honors Jesus Christ other
than obey you?