Sunday, August 5, 2012

Muffin Man...Part 2

Still trying to catch up on this concept I wanted to add to my blog.

Two Sundays ago.  Blueberry Muffins...filled and topped.

Jiffy Blueberry muffin mix (per recipe)
add 1/4 cup of blueberry syrup in the mix

Handful of fresh blueberries
Cut them up and mash them up with a fork
add 1/2 cup of blueberry syrup
stir together

Bake the muffins for 8 minutes
take out
push crater into top of muffin with spoon
Add blueberry mixture
bake till cooking instructions completed.

Serve with Scripture.  Scripture should be connect for the kids.

What remains?  Are these egg muffins?  No...but guess what they have eggs in them.
Are these milk muffins?  No...but guess what they have milk in them.
Are these blueberry muffins?  Yes...why?  Because that is what remains.

And now these three remain:  faith, hope, and love.  But the greatest of these is love.  1 Corinthians 13:13

Memorize the Scripture all week with your kids.  Talk about what it means to love.  Go and do what it looks like to love.  Love those that are not easy to love.  Give of yourselves.  Sacrifice as a family.  Have great conversations.  Teach.

How did this affect our week?

Monday night after quoting the verse and praying before bed...
Melanie:  Why does only love remain?  Aren't faith and hope great things.
My answer:  Not only great things...they are essential things.  They are necessary...for life here on earth.  But it says in the Bible that faith is being sure of what we HOPE for and certain of what we have NOT seen.  One day will you see Jesus?
Melanie:  Yes
Me:  Will it take faith to believe in him on that day?
Melanie:  No
Me:  Will you need to hope in him any longer?
Melanie:  No
Me:  So these 3 remain in our lives when nothing else does.  When everything else in this world fails we have faith, hope, and love...but one day it will all be love.
Melanie:  I see. (smiling as she went to sleep)
(Not sure how much those muffins cost...but they are worth it to me.)

We served at a foster home this week to show loves to some kids that really need it.  We talked about it.
We got to go visit family this week.  We love them and they love us.  So we talk about it.

I am not sure where all this is headed, but I love the journey.