Thursday, May 24, 2012

Yes…was and still is the answer

This past Monday (May 21) marked 15 years to the day that I asked Wendy to marry me. (Our anniversary is January 3.) I am going to use our date for a little marriage insight.

For that date I took her to a prayer garden. I read some Scriptures about marriage. Got down on one knee. And asked her to marry me. I had gotten both of our parents and my sisters to write us a letter to read. We read those. We wrote one to ourselves and God. And we went out to the Monroe Steak House to eat.

This past Sunday, I tried to recreate the date a little. We went out to a beautiful garden in Baton Rouge that I had never been to in 11 years living here. It is the Windrush Gardens at the LSU Rural Life Museum. A friend came out took some pictures of us. I even used the same Bible to read a passage and make Wendy a promise. Then we went out to eat at Outback Steakhouse.

It was a good night. A great way to remember. And a good way to take some pictures that make me look better because my wife is so stunning in them everyone forgets to look at me. (I have included a few.)

If yes is and will always be the answer…it is because you choose to say yes when no one is looking and the stakes seem to not count.

Marriage is not an easy deal…the passage I read Sunday calls it a profound mystery. But it is a great mystery. It is fun to figure out. It is at times difficult to work out. But it is always worth it. But you have to remember the answer is yes not when you are posing for some pictures or planning that special occasion. You have to remember the answer is yes when the laundry needs to be folded and the kitchen needs to be cleaned. You have to remember the answer is yes when you disagree about money…or at least the use of it. You have to remember the answer is yes when you are tired but your spouse could use some attention and some time.

The answer is still yes because you say yes not only when all is still but when life is crazy and wild.

Wendy, thanks for the yes. Thanks for the years. And thanks for the many yeses that have filled them. You might be a profound mystery, but your still my favorite read.