Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Won’t You Be My Neighbor…Guide 3

This is the last of a series of 3 Neighbor guides we have given out at church during this series. This one teaches on how to prayer-walk and comes with a challenge to prayer-walk your neighborhood. I also want to encourage you to check out Donna Guillot's blog on more about prayer-walking and some personal experiences with it. She is a great writer and will encourage you as you decide to step out and reach out to your neighbors through the power of prayer.

Being a Neighbor means praying for your neighbor.

If my people who are called by name will humble themselves and pray….

We live in a society that needs to humble itself before God and pray…and seek his face…and turn from its wicked ways. All of these things begin with prayer. Are you willing to humble yourself in prayer and pray for yourself and your neighbors?

 What is prayer-walking?
- Praying in motion.
- Praying continuously.
- Praying with a heart toward the salvation and life change of those you
are praying for.
- Pray with spiritual eyes that see more than just a mess in a yard but are
sensitive toward a need in a family.
- Praying toward the role of your church in that community and how to
impact those lives.
- Spiritual warfare.

What is the purpose in prayer-walking?
- It brings you closer to God
- It helps you be on mission with Christ.
- It helps you hear from the Holy Spirit.
- It changes the way you see your neighbors.

What do I expect while I am out prayer-walking?
- To get hot…it is a south Louisiana summer after all. (Bring water)
- Expect Divine appointments…people God wants you to run into not just
walk by.
- Holy Spirit guidance and insight to influencing your neighbors for Christ.

How do I prepare to prayer-walk?
- Get your "Prayer Notice" door cards ready for your neighborhood. (They are
next to the prayer-walk commitment map or in the Connection Center)
- Put away the IPOD and MP3. You want to pray without distraction.
- Pray in repentance and faith before you prayer-walk.
- Ask God to search your heart through the process.
- Pray for spiritual sensitivity toward what others might need.
- Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel.
- Pray for spiritual eyes to give you insight into influencing your neighbors for

 What is a divine appointment and what do I do with it?
- Be prepared to share the Gospel with a neighbor…you never know what conversation "I am praying for you…" will start.
- Ask for prayer requests when you meet up with neighbors.

Practical Tips for Prayer-walking
- Keep your eyes open and be observant
- Pray Scriptures.
- Pray out loud and/or silently
- Claim God's love, compassion, and mercy for those you pray for.
- Pray with an eternal focus. Ask God for salvations and be mindful of
what death without Christ means for every household and every person.

Fellowship Church Prayer-walking Process and Goal Dates

1. Mark the commitment to pray your neighborhood on the Prayer-walk
map. (August 8)
2. Initial prayer-walk through neighborhood, leaving "Prayer Notice" cards
on each door. (August 8-21)
3. Follow up prayer-walk through neighborhood, leaving "The Path" Gospel
presentations on each door. (September 2010)
4. At least a monthly prayer-walk through your neighborhood. (August
2010-July 2011)

I hope you will be a part of this challenge and don't forget to check out the three blog series Donna Guillot is writing at




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