Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lesson 1 from the Party Life

# 1: A Wrong Party is No Party

I remember the first “wrong” party I ever went to. I was a seventh grader. There were lots of drunk people at the party. The friend I was with got drunk that night. Honestly I was horrified.
I had never felt so out of place. It was not a party for me. I was miserable. I had no fun. None at all. I hated every moment I was there.

It was not a party – at least not for me. I realized in that moment that I cared less about what those people thought was right than what I knew was right. I decided to walk down the street to a house where my sister was at a party with her friends.

She was great. They all were. Her and her friends invited me in till my mom and dad could show up. They were having a great time. They were dancing and talking and laughing, but they were not drinking. They did not need any outside chemical to have a good time. They were just partying.

That night I realized I wanted to be in that crowd instead of the one I was running in. I struggled with that through high school and college as the crowds around athletics is typically more the other style of party, but I realized what I liked in a party.

Here is the spiritual lesson. Party right because a wrong party is no party at all.

There is no party in conviction. There is no fun in feeling guilty over what is wrong. There is also no need to party wrong.

Celebrate the right things in life. I have learned to party over honor rolls and kids performances. I have also learned to celebrate God changing lives. I have learned to celebrate God’s work in my own life.

I am still learning to stop and celebrate what God does in me and at Fellowship, but I am learning to love it. It is those type celebrations that need no outside chemical to give them life. They are just great times.

Find people that party like that and party away. This Sunday morning we are kicking off a 2 week series called PARTY. It is all about what Heaven celebrates. Join us and celebrate with us. Come and be ready to party Fellowship style. It is going to be a little crazy and off the hook, but there will be no chemicals needed. We will practice the passage that teaches us to not get drunk on the fruit of the vine but be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Now that’s a party. See you Sunday. (And bring someone with you.)

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